If you have any questions please ask us at iCampusPrize -at- mit -dot- edu
Round 1
STEP 1. Review the 2025 iCampus Prize competition information
- Read about the 2025 competition and its focus on select U.N. Sustainable Development Goals:
- Zero hunger
- Good health and well being
- Clean water and sanitation
- Affordable and clean energy
- Sustainable cities and communities
- Responsible consumption and production
- Climate action
- Review the evaluation Criteria:
- Innovation
- Innovation: The submission describes creative uses of technology to positively impact student learning and student life at MIT. (Submissions that also reach beyond MIT will rate higher.)
- Relevance: The submission is relevant to the goal of the competition.
- Impact
- Significance: The submission addresses a persistent problem, identifies a new opportunity, or provides a novel solution.
- Student learning/student life: The submission positively affects student learning or student life at MIT (and beyond).
- Innovation
- Ensure you meet the Eligibility Requirements:
- The individuals or teams participating the iCampus Prize competition must be led by a currently registered MIT undergraduate or graduate student, and this MIT undergraduate or graduate student should be listed as the main contact for the submission.
- By participating in the competition, you acknowledge that the MIT Open Learning will post a copy of your materials (e.g., submission documents, storyboards, videos, etc.) under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license to the competition website.
- If applicable, software submissions to the iCampus Prize competition must be available under an appropriate open source license that enables the results to be broadly disseminated, without restriction, in the tradition of open academic research. The license must be a recognized open source license that enables MIT to use and build upon the submission as submitted to the competition royalty-free. This requirement is not designed to preclude the winner(s) from continuing development on the project or even commercializing it. (See http://www.opensource.org/licenses/index.html for a listing of licenses.)
- If applicable, the MIT Open Learning, on behalf of MIT, must be able to configure a server to run any software or web application submitted to the iCampus Prize competition. Any software submission should use generally available Web, database and/or software to facilitate support and maintenance of the submission.
- Follow and complete the instructions on this page.
STEP 2. Complete the 2025 Project Data Form!
Complete the Project Data Form online, including:
- Contact (Name, Email Address)
- Team Name
- Notes to the Committee (of license, eligibility, etc).
STEP 3. Email your Submission Document
Email your submission document by Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 5pm ET to iCampusPrize -at- mit -dot- edu.
The submission document should not exceed two (2) pages and should be on U.S. Letter sized paper, with 1” margins all around, and use Arial, Times New Roman or equivalent font of at least 10 point size. The submission document should be a PDF file. Please do not use a cover sheet.
- Team Name: What is your team name?
- Contact: Who is the contact for the submission?
- Description: Briefly describe how your submission provides an innovative solution to meet at least one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals that are a focus of the iCampus Prize competition in 2025.
- U.N. Sustainable Development Goal(s) Being Addressed: Identify the U.N. Sustainable Development Goal(s) that your submission addresses.
- Zero hunger
- Good health and well being
- Clean water and sanitation
- Affordable and clean energy
- Sustainable cities and communities
- Responsible consumption and production
- Climate action
- Addressing the Criteria: Briefly describe how you believe your vision meetings the Innovation and Impact criteria.
- Team: Please include a brief biography of each of the team members and their contribution(s). Make sure to include their expected graduation year (e.g., ’25 or ‘G) and email address.
- License: Provide include the following statement acknowledging the license requirements of the competition.
[All Team Member Names] agree to license the materials submitted to the iCampus Prize competition using a Creative Common Attribution 4.0 International license and/or appropriate open source license.
STEP 4. Prepare and give your First Round Presentation
At this stage we’re looking to help you refine your idea. We might also connect teams with similar ideas that we believe might be more compelling and competitive in the Final Round. The First Round presentations are casual dress.
Prepare your 5 minute pitch to the review committee to be presented in person on Tuesday, April 1, 2025 from 4-6 pm at Location TBA. ** Note the date and time!
We encourage you to follow these Presentation Guidelines suggested by Professor Hal Abelson.
Final Round
Details on the Final Round will be available after the First Round is complete.
The final round presentation and poster session is scheduled for Tuesday, April 29, 2025 from 4-6pm at Location TBA.
Your poster will be due to CopyTech via the online form by Monday, April 21, 2025 at 9am ET if you want MIT Open Learning to pay the cost to produce the poster. (You could choose to print your poster later or on your own, but you will be responsible for the printing and mounting costs.)